BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF ST PETRONIUS (Bologna, Basilica di San Petronio, Piazza Maggiore):


1. Grand Duchess ELISA BONAPARTE (+1820)


2. Grand Duke FELIX BACIOCCHI (+1841), consort of Grand Duchess Elisa Bonaparte




BURIED IN THE BASILICA OF ST LAWRENCE (Firenze, Basilica di San Lorenzo, Piazza di San Lorenzo):


01. Duke ALEXANDER IL MORO (+1537)

He is buried in the sarcophagus of Lorenzo de' Medici, Duke of Urbino.


02. Grand Duke COSIMO I (+1574)


03. Grand Duchess ELEANOR OF TOLEDO (+1562), consort of Grand Duke Cosimo I


04. Grand Duke FRANCIS I (+1587)


05. Grand Duchess JOANNA OF AUSTRIA (+1578), consort of Grand Duke Francis I


06. Grand Duke FERDINAND I (+1609)


07. Grand Duchess CHRISTINE OF LORRAINE (+1636), consort of Grand Duke Ferdinand I


08. Grand Duke COSIMO II (+1621)


09. Grand Duchess MARIA MAGDALENA OF AUSTRIA (+1631), consort of Grand Duke Cosimo II


10. Grand Duke FERDINAND II (+1670)


11. Grand Duchess VICTORIA OF URBINO (+1695), consort of Grand Duke Ferdinand II


12. Grand Duke COSIMO III (+1723)


13. Grand Duke GIAN GASTONE (+1737)


14. Grand Duke FERDINAND III (+1824)


15. Grand Duchess MARIA ANNA OF SAXONY (+1834), consort of Grand Duke Leopold II




BURIED IN THE CHURCH CONVENT OF THE CANONESSES REGULAR OF ST AUGUSTINE (Paris, l'église du Couvent de Chanoinesses augustines de Notre-Dame-de-la-Victoire-de-Lépante, dit le Couvent de Picpus):




The tomb was lost during the demolishion of the church.




BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF ST SIXTUS (Piacenza, Chiesa di San Sisto, Via San Sisto):


Duchess MARGARET OF HABSBURG (+1586), consort of Duke Alexander




BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF ST FRANCIS (Poggio a Caiano, Chiesa di San Francesco a Bonistallo, Via Bonistallo):


Grand Duchess BIANCA (+1587), consort of Grand Duke Francis I




BURIED IN THE MONASTERY OF SAN LORENZO (El Monasterio de El Escorial, Avenida Juan De Borbón Y Battemberg):


1. King LOUIS I OF ETRURIA (+1803)


2. Queen MARIA LOUISA OF SPAIN (+1824), consort of King Louis I of Etruria




BURIED IN THE CHAPEL OF THE VILLA BORBONE (Viareggio, la Capellina Sepolcreto di San Carlo Borromeo, Viale dei Tigli):


King LOUIS II of ETRURIA (+1883)




BURIED IN THE CAPUCHIN CHURCH (Wien, Kapuzinerkirche, Neuer Markt):


1. Grand Duke FRANCIS II (+1765)

His heart was buried in the Augustinian Church in Vienna.


2. Grand Duchess MARIA THERESA (+1780), consort of Grand Duke Francis II

Her heart was buried in the Augustinian Church in Vienna.


3. Grand Duke LEOPOLD I (+1792)

His heart was buried in the Augustinian Church in Vienna.


4. Grand Duchess MARIA LODOVICA OF SICILY (+1792), consort of Grand Duke Leopold I

Her heart was buried in the Augustinian Church in Vienna.


5. Grand Duchess LOUISE MARIA OF NAPLES (+1802), consort of Grand Duke Ferdinand III


6. Grand Duchess MARIA ANNA OF SAXONY (+1865), consort of Grand Duke Ferdinand III


7. Grand Duke LEOPOLD II (+1870)


8. Grand Duchess MARIA ANTONIA OF NAPLES (+1898), consort of Grand Duke Leopold II


9. Grand Duke FERDINAND IV (+1908)




BURIED IN THE CHURCH OF ST FABIAN (Zákupy, kostel sv. Fabiána, Mimonská ul.):


Grand Duchess ANNA MARIA OF SAXE-LAUENBURG (+1741), consort of Grand Duke Gian Gastone


She was buried in the vault under the church.






1531-1537: ALEXANDER (Alessandro il Moro)

Born in 1510 in Florence.

Father: Giulio de' Medici, later Pope Clement VII. Mother: Simunetta.

Married in 1536 in Naples MARGARET of Habsburg (*1522 Pamele/Oudenaarde,+1586 Ortona).

Died in 1537 in Florence (murdered).

Buried in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.

His consort Duchess Margaret was buried in the Church of St Sixtus in Piacenza.



1537-1569: COSIMO I (Grand Duke from 1569)




1569-1574: COSIMO I

Born in 1519 in Florence.

Father: Giovanni de' Medici. Mother: Maria Salvati.

Married firstly in 1539 in Florence ELEANOR of Toledo (*c. 1552,+1562 Pisa).

Married secondly and morganatically in 1570 Camilla Martinelli (*1545 Florence,+1590 Florence).

He was crowned in 1570 in Rome.

His issue who reigned:

-FRANCIS I (*1541,+1587; son of Eleonora),

-Lucrezia (*1545,+1562; Duchess of Modena; daughter of Eleonora),

-FERDINAND I (*1549,+1609; son of Eleonora),

-Virginia (*1568,+1615; Duchess of Modena; daughter of Camilla).

Died in 1574 at Villa di Castello near Florence.

Buried with his consort Duchess Eleanor of Toledo in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.



1574-1587: FRANCIS I (Francesco I)

Born in 1541 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Cosimo I of Tuscany. Mother: Duchess Eleonora of Toledo.

Married firstly in 1565 in Florence Archduchess JOANNA of Austria (*1546 Prague,+1578 Florence).

Married secondly in 1578 BIANCA Capello (*1548 Venice,+1587 Poggio a Caiano).

His issue who reigned: Maria (*1573,+1642; Queen of France; daughter of Joanna).

Died in 1587 in Poggio a Caiano (poisoned).

Buried with his consort Grand Duchess Joanna of Austria in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.

His second consort Grand Duchess Bianca was buried in the Church of St Francis in Poggio a Caiano.



1587-1609: FERDINAND I (Ferdinando I)

Born in 1549 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Cosimo I of Tuscany. Mother: Duchess Eleonora of Toledo.

Married in 1589 in Florence CHRISTINE of Lorraine (*1565 Nancy,+1636 Florence).

His issue who reigned: COSIMO II (*1590,+1621).

Died in 1609 in Florence.

Buried with his consort Grand Duchess Christine of Lorraine in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.



1609-1621: COSIMO II

Born in 1590 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Ferdinand I of Tuscany. Mother: Grand Duchess Christine of Lorraine

Married in 1608 in Florence Archduchess MARIA MAGDALENA of Austria (*1589 Graz,+1631 Padua).

His issue who reigned:

-FERDINAND II (*1610,+1670),

-Margaret (*1612,+1679; Duchess of Parma).

Died in 1621 in Florence.

Buried with his consort Grand Duchess Maria Magdalena of Austria in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.



1621-1670: FERDINAND II (Ferdinando II)

Born in 1610 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Cosimo II of Tuscany. Mother: Grand Duchess Maria Magdalena of Austria.

Married in 1633 Duchess VICTORIA della Rovere of Urbino (*1622 Urbino,+1695 Pisa).

His issue who reigned: COSIMO III (*1642,+1723).

Died in 1670 in Florence.

Buried with his consort Grand Duchess Victoria in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.



1670-1723: COSIMO III

Born in 1642 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Ferdinand II of Tuscany. Mother: Grand Duchess Victoria of Urbino.

Married in 1661 in Florence Princess MARGARET Louise of Orléans (*1645 Paris,+1721 Paris).

His issue who reigned: GIAN GASTONE (*1671,+1737).

Died in 1723 in Florence.

Buried in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.

His consort Grand Duchess Margaret Louise was buried in the Convent of St Augustine in Paris (demolished).



1723-1737: GIAN GASTONE

Born in 1671 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Cosimo III of Tuscany. Mother: Grand Duchess Margaret Louise of Orléans.

Married in 1697 in Düsseldorf Princess ANNA MARIA of Saxe-Lauenburg (*1672,+1741 Zákupy, Bohemia).

Died in 1737 in Florence.

Buried in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence.

His consort Grand Duchess Anna Maria was buried in St Fabian's Church at Zákupy, Bohemia (no tomb).




1737-1765: FRANCIS II (Francesco II; Roman Emperor and German king as Francis I Stephen)

Born in 1708 in Nancy.

Father: Duke Leopold Joseph of Lorraine. Mother: Princess Elizabeth Charlotte of Orléans.

Married in 1736 in Vienna Archduchess MARIA THERESA of Austria (*1717 Vienna,+1780 Vienna).

His issue who reigned:

-Joseph II (*1741,+1790; Roman Emperor),

-Marie Amalie (*1746,+1804; Duchess of Parma),

-LEOPOLD I (*1747,+1792),

-Marie Caroline (*1752,+1814; Queen of the Two Sicilies),

-Ferdinand (*1754,+1806; Duke of Modena),

-Marie Antoinette (*1755,+1793; Queen of France).

Died in 1765 in Innsbruck.

Buried with his consort Grand Duchess Maria Theresa in the Capuchin Church in Vienna.




1765-1790: LEOPOLD I (Leopoldo I; Archduke of Austria, Roman Emperor as Leopold II, German king, King of Bohemia and Hungary)

Born in 1747 in Schönbrunn.

Father: Emperor Francis I Stephen. Mother: Empress Maria Theresa.

Married in 1765 in Innsbruck Princess MARIA LOUISA of Spain and Sicily (*1745 Portici near Naples,+1792 Vienna).

His issue who reigned:

-Maria Theresa (*1767,+1827; Queen of Saxony),

-Francis I (1768,+1835; Emperor of Austria),

-FERDINAND III (1769,+1824).

Died in 1792 in Vienna.

Buried with his consort Grand Duchess Maria Louisa in the Capuchin Church in Vienna.



1790-1801 and 1814-1824: FERDINAND III (Ferdinando III)

Born in 1769 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Leopold I of Tuscany. Mother: Grand Duchess Maria Louisa of Spain and Sicily.

Married firstly in 1790 at Naples Princess MARIA LOUISA of Naples (*1773 Naples,+1802 Vienna).

Married secondly in 1821 at Florence Princess MARIA ANNA of Saxony (*1796 Dresden,+1865 Brandeis/Elbe).

His issue who reigned:

-LEOPOLD II (*1797,+1870; son of Maria Louisa),

-Maria Teresa (*1801,+1855; Queen of Sardinia; daughter of Maria Louisa).

Deposed by the French in 1801, regained his throne in 1814.

Died in 1824 at Florence.

Buried in St Lawrence's Basilica at Florence.

His both consorts were buried in the Capuchin Church in Vienna.





1801-1803: LOUIS I (Lodovico I)

Born in 1773 at Piacenza.

Father: Duke Ferdinand of Parma. Mother: Duchess Maria Amelia of Austria.

Married in 1795 at San Ildefonso Princess MARIA LOUISA of Spain (*1782 San Ildefonso,+1824 Rome).

His issue who reigned: LOUIS II (*1799,+1883; Duke of Parma as Charles II).

Died in 1803 at Florence.

Buried firstly in St Lawrence's Basilica in Florence. Reburied in 1808 in the Monastery of San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Spain where his consort Queen Maria Louisa of Spain was buried later, too.



1803-1807: LOUIS II (Lodovico II; Duke of Parma as Charles II, Duke of Lucca as Charles I)

Born in 1799 in Madrid.

Father: King Louis I of Etruria. Mother: Queen Maria Louisa of Spain.

Married in 1820 in Turin Princess Maria Theresa of Savoy (*1803 Rome,+1879 San Martino in Vignale).

His issue who reigned: Charles III (*1823,+1854; Duke of Parma).

Deposed by the French in 1807.

Died in 1883 at Nice.

Buried in the Chapel of the Villa Borbone at Viareggio.

His consort Duchess Maria Theresa was buried in the Verano Cemetery in Rome.



1807-1809: INTERREGNUM





1809-1814: ELISA BONAPARTE (Princess of Lucca and Piombino)

Born in 1777 in Ajaccio, Corsica.

Father: Carlo Maria Bonaparte. Mother: Maria Letizia née Ramolino.

Married in 1797 in Marseille FELIX Bacciochi (*1762 Ajaccio,+1841 Bologna).

Deposed in 1814 and exiled in Bologna, then in Bavaria and near Austrian Trieste.

Died in 1820 at Sant'Andrea near Trieste.

Buried with her husband Felix Bacciochi in the Basilica of St Petronius in Bologna.




1814-1824: FERDINAND III (2nd time)



1824-1859: LEOPOLD II (Leopoldo II)

Born in 1797 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Ferdinand III of Tuscany. Mother: Grand Duchess Maria Louisa of Naples.

Married firstly in 1817 in Florence Princess MARIA ANNA of Saxony (*1799 Dresden,+1832 Pisa).

Married secondly in 1833 at Naples Princess MARIA ANTONIA of the Two Sicilies (*1814 Palermo,+1898 Orth).

His issue who reigned: FERDINAND IV (*1835,+1908; son of Maria Antonia).

Abdicated in favour of his son in 1859 and left for Austria.

Died in 1870 in Rome.

Buried with his second consort Grand Duchess Maria Antonia of the Two Sicilies in the Capuchin Church in Vienna.

His first consort Grand Duchess Maria Anna of Saxony was buried in St Lawrence's Basilica at Florence.



1859-1860: FERDINAND IV (Ferdinando IV)

Born in 1735 in Florence.

Father: Grand Duke Leopold II of Tuscany. Mother: Grand Duchess Maria Antonia of Two Sicilies.

Married firstly in 1856 at Dresden Princess Anna Maria of Saxony (*1836 Dresden,+1859 Naples).

Married secondly in 1868 at Frohsdorf Princess Alicia of Bourbon-Parma (*1849 Parma,+1935 Schwertberg).

Deposed in 1860 and exiled in Austria-Hungary.

Died in 1908 at Salzburg.

Buried in the Capuchin Church in Vienna.

His first consort Anna Maria of Saxony was buried in St Chiara's Church in Naples.





The tomb of Grand Duke FRANCIS II STEPHEN and his consort Grand Duchess MARIA THERESA in the Capuchin Church in Vienna (Austria)





ROME, THE SALA REGIA OF THE VATICAN PALACE/THE VATICAN (Roma, La Sala Regia del Palazzo Apostolico).

Here was crowned:


1570: Cosimo I de' Medici



The Crown of Tuscany was made for the coronation of Grand Duke Cosimo I in 1570. It was an open crown (corona aperta) which after 1700 was altered into a closed crown (corona clausa) by adding several arches to the old crown of Cosimo I. Cosimo I was elevated to the rank of grand duke by Pope Pius V in 1569 and crowned in Rome by the pope the following year. The crown of Tuscany disappeared in the 18th century.

FOREIGN ROYAL BURIALS IN TUSCANY (except for burials from other Italian states and the Papacy):



Henry VII, German King and Emperor